Organizing Session Process Details
Factors to consider when thinking about how long a job typically takes:
1. How fast we work together and how fast you can make decisions.
2. How much work you are willing and able to complete on your own time.
3. The size and accessibility of the spaces to be organized.
4. The level of organization desired.
5. The number of interruptions (i.e. phone calls, children, pets, etc.).
Here is what you can expect from us:
1. We will be on time and give you our undivided attention. We will also bring passion, enthusiasm, and apply our knowledge of organizing principles and products.
2. Organizing sessions are a partnership of sorts. If we are working alongside one another, you will learn new skills and reinforce existing ones.
3. We will not throw away anything without your permission. Together we will identify what you use and what you want to keep. Your unwanted items will be donated or recycled at no additional fees.
4. B.Organized does not remove trash or waste of any kind.
5. Taking photos of your space will be done with your permission. Photos allow us to look back at areas we need to continue to plan for and demonstrate progress.
Here is what we expect from clients:
1. Successful clients are ready to make changes and try new things. They recognize the value of getting organized far outweighs the cost. They are patient with the time span of organizing projects.
2. Please inform your spouse, partners, and/or roommates of the commitment to avoid any conflict of interest at home.
3. A hands-on organizing session will be easier if you are rested and have had something to eat. The work we do may or may not be physically demanding and you will likely be making a lot of decisions. Please tellĀ us if you need a break at any point.
4. You are responsible for all the costs of organizational products or supplies that we decide to purchase. You will not be required to purchase anything unless we agree on the items. Many clients already have most of the items they need.
5. Please be aware that cluttered spaces get worse before they get better. We will make sure we allow time to clean up at the end of each session and leave you with a functional space between sessions.